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It has come to my attention that some who enjoy my word offerings have not been able to find them all, as they are not all shared on my own blog. To make it more convenient for you, my readers, I will begin sharing here the links to blogs I write on other sites and I will re-blog some from the past here on Phosphorescent.

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One blog site I regularly contribute to is Inscribe Writers Online, where members of Inscribe Christian Writers Fellowship are able to practice writing to theme, word count, and deadline. This blog was the first place I shared publicly and began to find my “voice” as a writer. (My post for February can be found here. Inscribe also has another blog written by some professional writers.) Successfully blogging once each month for over a year on the Inscribe Writers Online blog, I felt more confident to begin my own blog, Phosphorescent.

To begin, here is my blog originally posted at Inscribe Writers Online on March 26, 2015.

Dancing Naked

I am a writer!

Like Archimedes leaving his bath to run in excitement, shouting a message others may or may not have cared about, being a writer makes me feel exhilarated – as well as naked and exposed. Putting my thoughts, beliefs, fantasies, and life lessons in black ink is thrilling, but sharing with others what eventually comes out of those musings is downright frightening.

Words are powerful. As a child, I needed to use words to ask for help, but could not whisper the secrets. I lied to my diary, God, and myself because the truth was too difficult to face. Yet creative writing of stories, poetry, and school assignments carried me through many years, providing a refuge of sanity. Eventually, writing in personal journals helped me hear God speak healing into my heart, mind, and soul.

I have always been a writer, and sometimes I actually feel like a writer – when I win national and international contests, see my wording used by volunteer organizations, am paid for publication, or share at a women’s retreat. These times convince me I am a writer.

Yet, many times, I do not feel like a writer – when I avoid the work of writing, am afraid to share even when my words may encourage another, don’t make time in the busy-ness of life to practice and grow the skills, or when I do not seek publication. These times convince me I will never be a writer and that I do not even want to try.

20141119_220030God reminds me, though – repeatedly, that He has created me, a clay pot. He will use me, perhaps as a vase to hold beautiful flowers or as a chamber pot. He may dress me in soft fabrics that shimmer or in a soldier’s uniform. In whatever way God chooses to use my writing and me, He only asks I be true to myself – to the self He formed me to be in those dark times, those joyous times, those quiet times.

The following notes are gleaned from my quiet time journals; verses God gave me to remind me I am a writer – gifted and called for His purpose, whatever that may look like. Search them out to see if they also ring true for you.

Esther 4:14 – God’s message will be told – He has given me training and opportunity to join Him in the telling so others can know His salvation.

Romans 9:25 – God uses cracked pots and weak vessels. No matter how far I have to go, He can use the story of how far He has brought me.

1 Peter 2:10 – I have not chosen to be a writer; God chose me to work with and for Him in this way.

Romans 10 – Others are also writing; I am not in competition but join the procession, and it is a good thing to do! Paul goes on to explain that sharing the good news will not be easy – not everyone will listen (or read), they may be critical, give us cold shoulders, and cold stares. However, before people can believe, they need to listen, and before they can listen, someone needs to be preaching (speaking, writing). No matter the reaction of others, my calling to write does not change.

So like King David, the Psalmist-Warrior, I dance naked, writing in praise of God’s victory in my life.
My name is Marnie, and I am a writer.

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Marnie has recently retired to Saskatchewan, Canada to write and be with her grands. She shares from her heart, drawing from both painful and joyful life experiences, where she believes God's presence makes all the difference.

3 replies

  1. You are a writer, Marnie–a writer of words and thoughts and sentences and poems that speak to your soul and the soul of your readers. I am one of your readers and I thank you. Blessings in your life and in your writing.

    1. Thank you, Sharon, for your encouraging words.
      (I’m glad to know someone reads my words. LOL)

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